The new adidas Copa Pure bring back all the essence of Copa but in a more modern and refined edition than the one we had in the past generations. Many changes in the most classic modern boot adidas has given us.

Fusionskin is still present as the main material of the adidas Copa, but this time has a bit better construction and finish, which gives us a unique boot feeling. The natural leather forefoot is kept, but with the inclusion of a more aggressive and bigger internal padding than the one we had in the previous Pure model. This makes for an even more elegant and cushioned sensation, a twist on the more classic feel that we personally love.

The last is also a bit narrower now; nothing crazy, but it's noticeable. Nevertheless, it is still a boot suitable for wide feet thanks to the fact that the shell is really soft. Besides, the primeknit in the tongue allows it to be wide in all senses.

Si nos centramos en la suela, la misma también se modifica volvemos a una suela mas clásica y cómoda que la que teníamos anteriormente (adiós nemeziz), y la verdad es que quizás es la parte que mas me gusta. Una suela con tacos cónicos, con una placa de pebax delantera que ayuda y mucho en al reactividad y tracción sin renunciara a la comodidad y Comfort propias de los tacos cónicos. Un suela que no es loquísima a nivel tecnológico, pero que sencillamente funciona.
If we focus on the outsole, we are back to a more classic and comfortable outsole than the one we had before (bye bye nemeziz!), and truth be told... this may be the part we like the most. An outsole with conical studs, with a front pebax plate that helps a lot in reactivity and traction without sacrificing the comfort of these cleats. Long story short, this is a sole that may not be incredibly technological, but makes simplicity work.
In conclusion, this is a comfortable boot made of natural leather, with a very stable and comfortable plate that improves - from our point of view - what we had in previous models. A nice step forward.