The most expensive boots ever?

A well known auctions website has right know the boots made for Steven Gerrad for his last game in Anflield with Liverpool's shirt. The proceeds will be donated to the British Red Cross Europe Refugee Crisis Appeal.

11 November 2015 - Written by Fernando Ortiz Castillo

We've seen all types of limited editions boots, exclusive boots with diamonds and collectors pieces of all kind that would make the price of a boot raise up to some crazy prices. But non of those as much as the shoe we are going to talk about now.



eBay UK has right now in their website the boots that adidas made for Steven Gerrard for his last game in Anflield Road with Liverpool. This boots are history of a true legend of the British club. With the phrase, "With Love From Liverpool", the British Red Cross is behind this auction. the 100% of the proceeds will be donated to refugee Crisis Appeal.



This boot is a special edition produced by adidas, extremely hard to get because only 17 pairs were produced (one per each season that Steven Gerrard played with Liverpool's shirt) and non of these pairs were for sale. Actually most pairs are in hands of the player. In the insole of these boot you can find the following lines: "you leave a legend, you'll return a hero. the city of liverpool is always with you, you'll never walk alone".


SG bid.webp


Only two days left for the auction to end and right now the last bid has reached £40,200.00 and it seems like it will increase. It's a boot than not too many people can get but if you have some saves and want to go for it, you'd have one of the most important boots in football history! You can bid clicking here.

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  • Oriol Casanovas Balañà
    12 November 2015
    Es una locura pero es lo que tiene eBay cuando se venden productos de este tipo. Por ejemplo la bota de Göte que usó para marcar el gol de la final del Mundial se subastó por 2 millones de libras y otro caso y aunque no sean tan caras como las de Gerrard, si buscamos ediciones limitadas como las Rare Gold o las SL del 2008 de Cristiano no es raro verlas por 2000 o estas cifras. Pienso que algunos coleccionistas exageran cuando ponen en reventa estas botas y muchos de ellos cuando sacan ediciones limitadas accesibles, intentan comprar varios pares para venderlos por el triple o más de dinero. Saludos. Natxo.
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