Blocking exercises

New week, new post. We started with some exercises blocking. Remember that you will have to adjust the intensity and repetitions to your goalkeepers ages. I hope you like and are to your liking.

15 October 2012 - Written by Fernando Ortiz Castillo

New week, new post. We started with some exercises blocking. Remember that you will have to adjust the intensity and repetitions to your goalkeepers ages.

I am one of those who do not like to do many repetitions, I think it's better 4 well made actions that 8 that are not too good, because normally when a goalie performs in competition, he is usually recovered and in good physical condition. As I said in previous posts, adapting the exercises to the actual game is the most important.



The goalkeeper working (P1) performs legs frequency, with picks on the floor or stairs. When you finish this action, he is positioned for a blocking action from a strike of the goalkeeper coach (EP) after blocking, throws a handball start to the mini goal (change the distance from this depending on the age of the goalkeeper). Once made the throw with his hand, P1 is positioned between two picks, and performs another blocking launched by another keeper (P2).


The first action, legs frequency, can be performed in front stroke, side stroke, stepping with both feet on each tile, advancing and retreating two tiles one... 

The strikes made for blocking P1 can alternate at half height, satin, side crash, air ball ... everything you can think of, both in the first and second action.

The hand throw may be tense (above the head), chopped, satin ... depending on the distance with the goal.

Atention to …:

Remember that the exercise is focused on blocking, therefore, we will pay the most attention to this technical gesture. Before each block, there must be a willingness to do this successfully, this is, base position (PDB). If the body is not balanced when receiving the ball, it will be harder to block safely.

The hands position is also very important. The thumbs must be behind the ball to stop it, and indexes closed slightly, forming a triangle.

Now, I leave a game of my friend Marcos Abad, goalkeeping coach in Elche CF. Promotes competitiveness between 2 keepers and requires a good blocking to win the game.



The P1 goalkeeper, strikes a shot to goal, with the obligation to pass under a ribbon placed between the penalty spot and the small area. If the P2 goalkeeper blocks the ball, he can throw to one of the mini goals of the side. Have 5 shots each goalie. The goalkeeper with more goals in the small goals wins.

This tape may be approximately 1 meter height. With this exercise we practice the lateral falls and if the keeper blocks the ball he gets the chance to score in one of the goals at the sides.

The goals scored in the big goal do not count, the ones scored in the small ones count so the blocking action reward.


We can change the hand throw for a kick, placing the goals farther. This way we can exercise the long shots.

Atention to…:

As I always say, all technical gestures must be well executed, to try to save a goal.

It's complicated, but we must correct the lateral falls to be forward falls. It is very important to attack the ball, as if instead of making a blocking, we have to perform clearance or diversion. We can give it the necessary strength to block get the ball.

Fast incorporation and good serve to the mini goals. This is the concentration and intensity with which the goalkeeper has to work.

I hope these exercises help you with your keepers. 


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  • Manuel Oliva Garcia
    15 October 2012
    Un saludo Oscar, felicitarte por la iniciativa. En relación a la primera tarea que propones con objetivo principal el blocaje, que te parece si en lugar de que el entrenador tenga el balón en las manos para realizar el golpeo, este reciba el balón del portero que va a realizar la tarea con un pase con el pie del portero al entrenador, con lo cual hacemos la tarea más completa. Este tipo de tareas con acciones defensivas u ofensivas básicas en combinación de elementos coordinativos y desplazamientos los utilizo mucho como tareas principales en la formación, en etapas de tecnificación o rendimiento las utilizo como calentamiento. 
  • Oscar Santamaria Pablo
    21 October 2012
    Hola Manuel, me parece fenomenal incorporar esa acción. Eso es, puede haber un golpeo con el pie, o un saque con la mano... perfecto!
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